Colton Leonard's Training & Fitness Program -

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    The fit body battles between physical wants. Strength and aesthetics battle in a muscleman's goals. Meet Colton Leonard, who fused the two desires into one behemoth body.
    Twice in his young life, Colton Leonard has been hit with such terrifying forces that he's had to adjust his plans and begin life anew. His body and soul were affected. Even so, through it all, he has faced down adversity, improved his training, and rebuilt himself stronger than he was before.
    Colton traded the football for the iron, and then the life of a bodybuilder for the strongman's Atlas stone. These sports may have widely different training, but at their heart, they all require the same fearless spirit and fortitude. Colton Leonard's fitness 360 is the story of a man stronger than any challenge.
    Lifting has always been a outlet for Colton Leonard to release tension, anger, and frustration. Growing up, things weren't always easy for this great man of strength. He wasn't always the beast he is now.
    He began weightlifting over the summer before his junior year of high school, looking to get bigger and stronger for the toil of the upcoming football season. He also worked as a lifeguard over the summers, and on his breaks he would read both Flex and Muscular Development.
    During his lunch hour, he would go into the clubhouse and work out. Those summer workouts consisted of every exercise he was reading about in the magazines. He immediately put knowledge into action, dismissing any worries about overtraining. He just loved the weights.
    Leonard's effort in the summer slapped some substantial muscle mass on his bones. When football season rolled around, he was ready! However, fate didn't support his dreams of gridiron domination.
    He chose to give up football, because he suspected his body couldn't take another big blow. This left Leonard at a crossroads as he left high school.
    He began seriously lifting with bodybuilding principles to guide his nutrition and training. A few months in, he made a friend in Nick Del Toro. The two were close in age, but Nick had competed since he was 16 years old. They began to train together, and after Leonard gained a little weight, he decided to enter his first bodybuilding show.
    He decided to reach higher and compete in the 2008 Teen Nationals, where he placed second in the Teen Men's heavyweight division. A year later he landed in fifth place at the 2009 Collegiate Nationals.
    Strongman Shift
    It wasn't until almost a year later that another friend, a minister by the name of Stephen Mackey, introduced Colton to strongman competitions. This sport would reinvent the Texas giant.
    Strongman training is unlike any other sport, and its specific demands require precise and intense training. Colton wanted to jump into a contest right away, but he soon he realized that he was not yet strong enough.
    Leonard's first competition was a qualifier for the 2012 NAS National Championship. He figured—as he did initially with bodybuilding competitions—that if he was going to do something, he was going to go for the ultimate challenge.
    He fought off advances from far more experienced competitors, and to his surprise, he won his first contest and earned a spot in the 2012 NAS Nationals.
    At the NAS Championship in 2012, he faced down monstrous weights: a 390-pound Atlas stone, 210-pound dumbbell and a 410-pound Husafell-Stone carry!
    His placing qualified him as an alternate for the Arnold Sports Festival Arnold Amateur World Championship. With just three weeks out from the Arnold, he received his invitation.
    After his incredible debut, 2013 is on track to be the best year yet for this young strongman. He quickly structured a new program based on what he learned from the big names at the NAS Championship last year, and he is on the road back to the same competition and aiming to move up in the standings.

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