Markus Rühl - easy off season training for foto shooting

  • This video clip is for all my friends and fans after it has been a bit silent about me during the last months after my retirement from the contest stage (I was really busy... new gym ect.!).
    After some people thought I might loose weight now, I like to calm my fans:
    I am still big, I keep on training hard (ok, not on this clip as it was a show training for my new sponsor) and I will hold my weight at 320 lbs or even more.
    Furthermore I have a new contract with Ultimate Nutrition now, so you will see me on all the big events, contests and EXPOs.
    I am looking forward to see you all.
    Now I have even more time for my friends and fans than before.
    Finally my latest DVD "Big and loving it" has been finished and is now available on
    Watch it to see EVERYTHING about me, my life, my deepest thoughts and finally my retirement.
    "Big and loving it" is not just another bodybuilding video. It is the truth that I owe to show you, my fans.

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