Bodybuilding exercise: home barbell curls workout

  • The barbell curl is a great mass building exercise for the arms you can do at home with just an inexpensive barbell set. Form is key on this, most folks at the gym use terrible form. In this exercise, your elbows are pinned to your sides - the do not move one bit. Nothing moves except your your forearms. Your back, legs, head are all completely motionless. If you have to swing or bounce then you are using way too much weight.
    As with any dumbbell exercise, form is key if you want to maximize your muscle building efforts and minimize the chance of injury. Don't use too much weight, if you can't do the exercise slowly then you need to go lighter. Count aloud "one onethousand, two onethousand, three onethousand" on the way up and the way down, if you cant do this on this exercise then you are using too much weight. The reason this exercise method maximizes your muscle growth is because it confines the motion to the muscle you are trying to work out, if your body squirms, swings, and kicks, all you are doing is taking the focus away from the muscle you are trying to exercise.
    Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn't have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A cheap dumbbell set from a garage sale or walmart is all it takes to get started with your home workouts.
    For more information on home workouts, please see my free website (no advertising either):
    Limitation of Liability: Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program! I am not a medical professional. It is your responsibility to critically evaluate this information and with the help of your physician decide if it is appropriate for you.

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