The Best Pre-Workout Meal for Muscle Gain

  • If you’re looking to maximize protein synthesis and enhance muscle recovery, then you need to be considering what you eat before the gym (pre workout meal). Recent research showing that a pre workout meal consisting of adequate protein and carbs leads to better muscle protein synthesis and strength gains, and researchers are starting to consider pre workout nutrition as being even more important than post workout nutrition when it comes to building muscle. Now keep in mind that the pre workout meal for “bodybuilders” or those lifting weights will differ dramatically from endurance exercise athletes. In our case, we are mostly concerned with getting in high quality fast digesting leucine-containing pre workout protein, as well as moderate-high glycemic index pre workout carbs with minimal fibre in order to boost performance and create an anabolic environment to further boost muscle gains.
    In this video I’ll go through the best pre workout meal based on several studies, and provide you guys with some other options for pre workout meals that you can use to help get more bang for your buck in every workout.
    As always, if you enjoyed this video then please don’t forget to give the video a like, leave a comment, and share the video! Thanks for watching!
    Ivy J, Portman R. Nutrient Timing: The Future of Sports Nutrition. North Bergen, NJ: Basic Health Publications; 2004.

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