Lifting For Two: Nicole Moneer's Full-Body Pregnancy Workout -

  • The weights don't always have to go back on the rack when you find out you're pregnant. Here's how athlete Nicole Moneer modified her workouts and kept training into the third trimester!
    See Nicole's Full Program:
    The difference between the first trimester in a pregnancy and the second and third is, to say the least, dramatic. As I detailed in my "Guide to a Fit First Trimester," you experience a lot of mysterious and powerful feelings for those initial 12 weeks—thirst, sleepiness, nausea, and bizarre cravings in my case—but you don't necessarily feel like you've got a living, wriggling person growing inside you. But then, at some point, that baby announces his or her presence with authority!
    This is when you start to feel really pregnant—especially in a physical sense. How women respond to this change varies incredibly from person to person. A number of people were shocked to see I was still lifting weights halfway through my pregnancy. I had to remind them that every woman is unique, just like every pregnancy is unique.
    My hope is that I can help you get the most benefit out of whatever training you can manage during the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy. To be clear, not all women feel like they can work out during this time, and in some cases, it's medically necessary for them not to. So check in frequently with your health care provider.
    But if you're up for it, join me as I show the modifications that allowed me to keep training all the way through my pregnancy!

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