How to Use Weightlifting Wrist Straps for Wrist Support When Bodybuilding and Powerlifting

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    Weightlifting wrist straps - Learn how to properly use lifting straps from Kevin Weiss of Body Performance personal training.
    Hi there, Kevin Weiss from Body Performance personal training and in the last thirty years of being a competitive bodybuilder both on the national and world stage as well as being a competitive powerlifter I've learned a thing or two about what works and what doesn't.
    The last thing you want when you're handling a heavy weight whether it be with deadlifts, rows, pull ups, pull downs anything like that where your grip becomes a factor is your grip to slip on you so today I want to show you something I've used over the years and a great product that I have come across that really is going to help you out with that.
    So the product that I want to share with you today is the Rip Toned weight lifting strap and I just want to give you a real brief description of how to properly use these.
    1. The first thing that you're going to do is you're going to find the loop..
    2. Slide the one end through
    3. Then slide it onto your hand so that the strap is down your palm you don't want it this way over top... down on your palm and down on your hand like this you don't want it up on your wrist cause that's not going to support it all down onto your hand
    4. Cinch it up like this...and that's ready to go
    5. Now I'll show you how to wrap it around the barbell to get your best grip possible
    6. So your starting position for this is close to the bar with the strap going underneath, do not go over top like this you'll still be able to wrap it around like that but you're not going to get a tight grip.
    7. Put it underneath the same way your thumb would go underneath, you can push the strap underneath and then grab it on the other side with your fingers like this and pull it until it is taught.
    8. Now that you have it like this it's a simple matter of just flipping it over flipping it over each time you flip it over if you really want to keep it tight which works good is that is you do similar to a motorcycle grip or a motorcycle throttle twist it... bring it around so real simple bring it... pull it... twist it... you're good to go
    9. Then you just simply repeat that with the other hand
    Simple as that... now I got a good grip that's not going to slip out of my hands at any point in time.
    All right so that's all there is to it... real simple product and it's going to make a big difference in any exercises where grip is going to be a factor.
    I'm Kevin Weiss from Body Performance personal training have a great day.
    Click the link below for more information on RipToned padded weight lifting straps.

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