Beginner Ab Workout for Men and Women | 5 Easy Six Pack Abs Exercises

  • This is the best abs workout for beginners trying to work up some strength in their core!
    If you're looking for more workout videos for how to get six pack abs, try V Shred University for just $1-
    If you're looking for a quick ab workout that you can do no matter your starting point, grab a space on the floor and get ready.
    There will be only 5 exercises and each exercise is performed for 3 sets, with 10 reps for each set and 20 seconds of rest inbetween each set. Except for the last exercise, which is 3 sets of 10 second holds
    The exercises:
    1) Standing Rotating Knee to Elbow
    2) Hands Through Knee Crunches
    3) Floor Wipers
    4) Mountain Climbers
    5) Hollow Body Holds
    Try this out and let me know what you think or what videos you want more of down below in the comment section!
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    For Fat Loss :
    For Muscle Building :
    Intro Song: Always Have by Castor Troy

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