30 Day Fat Burn: Toned Abs & Arms Workout

  • 30 Day Fat Burn: Toned Abs & Arms Workout by BeFiT is a supercharged, 10-minute full-body strength workout that is designed to burn calories and target the arms, shoulders, and abdominals using an effective blend of core strengthening, boxing and weight training moves to get you maximum results fast. Activate your core and get ready to fight through the burn with Expert 30 Day Fat Burn Trainer, Astrid McGuire as she keeps you motivated with step-by-step instruction to ensure correct form and help you get the most out of each exercise as you sculpt lean muscle throughout the biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, obliques, arms and midsection. Learn how to make a change by putting your mind into your muscles as you start down the road to sexy 6-pack abs and chiseled arms with moves like Dumbbell Punches, Bicep Curls, Shoulder Press, Dynamic Pulses, Overhead Tricep Presses, Bicep/Tricep/Shoulder Press Combos, Popeye Curls, Dumbbell Upper Cuts, Planks, Plank to Kickbacks, Side Planks, Full Body Crunches, and Scissored Bugs that will ramp-up your weight loss potential and uncover lean definition. You will need a set of 3 to 5 pound dumbbells, a towel, and a bottle of water to complete this workout. Modifications are provided throughout the workout that can be used to fit any skill level. Adjust weights, rest periods, and reps as needed depending on your level of fitness. Look and feel your best as you build the body of your dreams in just 10 minutes a day right from your own living room. Click here for more 30 Day Fat Burn workouts: bit.ly/1dSyeul
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    Workout Moves:
    Dumbbell Punches
    Bicep Curls
    Pulsing Bicep Curls
    Shoulder Pulse
    Shoulder Press
    Dynamic Pulses
    Overhead Tricep Press
    Rest Period
    Bicep/Tricep/Shoulder Press Combo
    Popeye Curls
    Dumbbell Upper Cuts
    Plank to Kickback
    Side Plank
    Full Body Crunch
    Scissored Bug
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