Best abs workout at home #31 Tuck Crunch - Sexy abs for women

  • The best abs workout at home for you all today is Tuck Crunch. No one does not get any need of slimming waist and flat abs but failed much? Just do Tuck Crunch - the best ways to lose belly fat at the moment. Unlike all other abs workout which you have seen everywhere, this movement seems quite easy; however, it is a must to give it a careful try day after day. Just to it properly and daily, then your achievement will be successfully gained.
    How to do six-pack abs workout at home with TUCK CRUNCH:
    - Reps: 20
    - Sets: 3
    - Lie flat on your back, extend your feet together and back. Two hands are placed behind your head, the anchors are pointing out.
    - Now, contract your abs and lift your legs up (try to extend as straightly as possible, since at this moment you have to use and burn your abs much) while raising your upper body. Note, always keep your lower back on the mat and contract your abs.
    - Slowly lower down to the starting position. However, do not let your head, shoulder and legs touch the floor.
    - Repeat for the recommended amount of reps.
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