Best abs workout at home #24 Russian Twist for women in 30 days

  • Russian Twist abs workout at home shows how to lose belly fat fast and effectively. This is a great six-pack abs exercise which is one of the favorites of many gymers, guides you how to eliminate fat around waist and gain abs muscle beautiful but not rough.
    How to do six-pack abs workout at home for women with CORE TWIST so as to burn body fat quickly:
    - Reps: 20
    - Sets: 3
    - Sit straight on an exercise mat, slightly bend your knees, your right leg placed on the left one. The heel is one the floor, toes pointing upward.
    - Leaning your upper body to the back, two hands are clasped together and raised to the shoulder height.s.
    - Twisting your upper body to the left while keeping your butt stationary on the floor and slightly twist the knees to the right. Continue the same technique with the opposite. Then go back to the starting position. Note: Always keep the height of your hands and contract your abs.
    - That is one rep. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
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    - Địa chỉ cửa hàng: 101 Nguyễn Văn Trỗi, phường 12, quận Phú Nhuận, tpHCM
    - Hotline: (028) 399 77 777 hoặc (028) 399.75.999

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