March Ladies Upper & Abs Gym Workout

  • Here you go ladies, a workout you can do in the gym which covers upper body, abs and has a heavy emphasis on posture as well (which you could use!).
    Always perform a proper warm up before any workout. I always suggest self myofascial release as well but you can look further into that in my series on the topic. As for warm ups, try this video:
    This workout goes as such:
    Strength Supersets
    A1. Dual DB Clean & Press x 6-8
    A2. Plank Alternating Swimmers x 15-20/side
    B1. Push Up off Bench to Alternating Knee Tuck x 6-8/knee
    B2. DB 1 Arm Deadstart Rows x 20/arm
    C1. Cable Straight Arm Lat Pulldown x 12-15
    C2. Cable Rope Face Pulls x 12-15
    D1. Ab Wheel to Pike Plank x Fail (less than 15)
    D2. Lying Hyperextension w/DB Pulldown x 12 (2 count hold at ribs)
    E1. 1 or 2 Leg Glute Bridges x 20 (10/leg on 1 leg)
    E2. Fire Hydrants x 12-15/leg
    E3. Band Y-T-W's x 10 of each
    For more info see or check the blog at

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