Upper body workout for women | Abs, arms, back | 15-minute workout

  • Upper body workout for women | Abs, arms, back | 15-minute workout
    This is a 15-minute workout for the upper body.
    You will work on your tummy, arms and back.
    Who doesn’t want beautiful arms. I used to resist arm exercises, it was a bit on the back shelf for me. But ever since I started working on my arms I have really become to love it. The more I have been working on them, the better shape they’ve been getting into. And this gets me excited!
    If you don’t have 15-minutes at once, split this workout into 2 or even 3 parts.
    More time? Add another 5-minute for your legs and glutes, do more stretches.
    Always remember about your T-zone: www.olyakornienko.com/t-zone-secret/
    Subscribe to my channel: www.youtube.com/user/PilatesOnlineAcademy
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    You can even add this workout to another 15-minute workout if you have more time today and feel like exercising for longer or combine with other 5-minute workouts.
    Choose here: www.youtube.com/user/PilatesOnlineAcademy/playlists
    If you have a question - leave it in the comments below or post it below this video:
    Thanks for watching and exercising with me!
    Olya x
    Upper body workout for women | Abs, arms, back | 15-minute workout

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