Build toned abs and chest with Samantha Clayton's combination exercise | Herbalife Fit Tips

  • Double up and save time with this combination chest and abdominal move!
    Hi, I'm Samantha Clayton, fitness expert and former competitive sprinter. I'm working with Herbalife to help you achieve a healthy, active life.
    I love doing combination exercises; working two or more major muscle groups at the same time is a great way to get more out of your workout in less time and, because co-ordination requires concentration, you will be exercising your most important muscle: your brain!
    Today, I want to show you how to pair a chest press with an abdominal core move.
    • Lie down on your back and bend one knee at a time, your knees should be about a fist width apart.
    • Do a pelvic tilt to ensure the floor supports your lower back. Then lift one leg at a time so that your knees are at a 90-degree angle. This first step engages your abdominal muscles.
    • Hold dumbbells above mid chest, with your arms extended and palms facing in. Keep you abs contracted so that your spine stays in a neutral position supported by the floor for the entire move.
    • Keeping your wrists and dumbbells stacked over elbows, bend elbows and lower them toward the floor until aligned with shoulders, rotating the weights so that your palms are facing forward at the bottom of the move.
    • Contract chest and press dumbbells upward, rotating arms so palms face inward at the top of the move and repeat.
    Start out with light weights and slowly progress as you get stronger. This combo move effectively helps strengthen your chest, the front of your shoulders, your triceps and abs.
    I love this move and I hope you will too. Focus on getting your form right first and gradually increase the weights you use. With my approach, you'll safely be working your way to increased strength and a more toned body.
    Herbalife fitness expert, Samantha Clayton shares her advice on why combination exercises are a shortcut to fitness.Working your chest & abs in one combo move works major muscle groups & saves you time. In this video, you will see how to combine a chest press with and abdominal core move. Focus on your form & then start increasing your weight level as you progress through these combo moves.
    For more Herbalife fitness advice from me, Samantha Clayton, take a look at or check out the rest of my playlist:
    Thanks, Samantha x

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